First Words!!

The second a baby reaches out to something, starts crying, and gains your attention, is all the beginning stages of communication! What is your child learning when you turn to them when they cry or make a sound? They are learning that their voice has an effect on people…but speaking is hard!! Think of all the things you have to coordinate in order to make words: tongue, lips, jaw…

What is speech therapy?

Have you ever had a family member, friend, or doctor tell you that your child needs speech therapy, but then think to yourself, what exactly is speech therapy and how would it actually help my child?

6 Reasons Your Child Needs a Play Kitchen!!

One of my favorite memories of my childhood was playing “kitchen” with my mom! Little did I know how much I was learning in those moments! Not only was my language developing, but my love and enjoyment for interacting with others grew, too! Eventually, I upgraded from a play kitchen to a real kitchen to practice all the fun skills I had learned in a real life scenario!